Friday, November 14, 2014


I do concur!

The war on terror is an ongoing threat that President Obama has been evasive in addressing. Although his intentions may mean well he has not followed through with his original plan to close Guantanamo Bay, rightly so.

An example of this is the trade three detainees that have been proven leaders of Al-Qaeda later to have been traded for one military personnel. This contributed to the usage of prisoners as bargaining pons in Presidents Obama's chess set. The blog presents other examples and accruate data to display that the prisoners of Guantanamo are there for a reason. For that reason, the idea that President Obama has the "good intention" to release those not an affective threat is largely diluted to the threat they may potentionaly make later on. 

Consequently, I could not agree more that "Closing Guantanamo bay is a huge mistake." because of the severity of the crimes and prisoners. I do feel that the original critique is a not haste in saying events that may come from Guantanamo Bay's closing may lead to another 9/11 attack may be possible. We fear what we do not know. 

The original article confirms data on the numbers of prisoners and President Obama's intentions, the article critique confirms the facts and presents the logical view that Guantanamo Bay should not be closed due to future high risk events.

Vote and Save and Safe

The "last-ditch effort at NSA reform" as some see it for the assumed wiretapping to being in America. 
To begin the conversation… some conditions may apply, you're liberty may be at stake, you privacy may be in jeopardy, and you're safety may be monitored by America's Father.

"Congress can and should take up and pass the bipartisan USA Freedom Act, without delay."

Majority Leader is taking the initiative to clarify the Surveillance Reform Bill that will be voted on this year. This article discussing what the bill includes as well as the motion made by Senate.
The bill was first introduced in July and will reach a consensus later this year. The bill includes NSA's "bulk collection of Americans' phone records" and modifies the inclusions and security of persons "city, state, ZIP code or area code" 

I agree with the article and the bill to hopefully be passed, in order to monitor and provide safety through searching and collecting further information of all American's. What is less safe than thorough investigation of all threats foreign and domestic. If an American is not considered a threat, their information is secure and recored. As per the bills provision the amount of monitoring and investigation provides "narrowing the definition of an appropriate surveillance target" So that there is no extortion and manipulation to the bills provisions. Further serving the purpose to keep American's safe. However the extent of the bill may bring multiple provisions later on to determine the extent of the bill in America.

Article NSA Surveillance Reform Bill Pushed Forward for Vote in Senate from Newsweek by Lauren Walker

Thursday, November 13, 2014


An editorial, more or less an opinion piece from The Seattle Times discusses the manipulation of our freedom of press. The editorial "FBI is undermining core principle of a free press" digs it's nails into FBI's impersonation's of journalists to acquire knowledge. The editorial stating "Impersonating journalists is not an appropriate cover for the FBI.".

Who could argue that the "fundamental freedoms of American life" aren't being held over a fire. As if the First Amendment didn't preserve the "freedom to share ideas and covey information vital to a functioning republic" there is more at stake than journalists freedom of press, speech, and distribution of information.

By shining a light on those who find truth, convey a message and dig where other's can't the FBI has exposed a large source to all kinds of information. By pretending to be a journalist, journalists are in danger.

Who's to say they aren't all just spy-journalists, all in on it from the FBI. What a terrible assumption that put future information at stake. The editorial presents a valid point that the suspicions of innocent journalists and freelance writers can lead to dangerous events. For example the beheadings in both 2002 and 2014 of writers for being alleged spy-journalists.

To what extent will the FBI go to get information? Sacrificing the jobs, writings and opinions, even lives? FBI Director James B. Comey later argued that the impersonations of journalists to get information are done "reasonable and legally" in his letter to The New York Times. How can this be? Again not only are they infringing the rights of journalists they are impersonating, which to a degree may be felony. But also creating unreasonable circumstances to follow. Where does the trust go to the person confiding in journalists? Where does the trust go to the FBI who undermine the natural rights of other for information, and potentially endangering people?

"This deception undermines core American principles. It should stop."


(editorial by the board of seattle times members: Kate Riley, Frank A. Blethen, Ryan Blethen, Jonathin Martin and others. Posted Nov.11.